Monday, August 4, 2008

water baby

Today started out as kind of a rough day. Well, maybe I should rephrase that a little bit. Today was actually a great day. Pretty much everyday
is a great day for one reason or another. But today I'm missing our kids so badly that it hurts in every part of my body. The tears are constantly being batted away with my eyelashes and it's everything I can do to laugh at even the funniest of jokes.

But it's times like this when you especially need to step back and find the beauty around you. So after work, Mike and I decided to go canoing on Lake Washington. We've talked about doing this for a long time. When I say a long time, I truly mean we've been talking about doing it for years. So I'm glad we chose today to follow through. We made it to the boat docks by 7:oo and rented a canoe for what would be an hour and a half.

Now canoing on Lake Washington is especially cool. One minute you're in the middle of the lake with yachts and sail boats all around you. Next thing, you paddle underneath the freeway (yes - the freeway!) and are in such a secluded area that no one can get to it unless they're on boat or foot. You
are surrounded by lily pads and ducks (that obviously are used to people as they chased us down looking for handouts) and some of the most beautiful old trees I've ever seen.

Nine dollars and forty cents later, I felt like a new woman. I am truly a water baby.

Dad, we took a picture of this tree and birdhouse for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fabulous outing. Take advantage of those lonely days without the kids to do fun things together. What fun!