Anyways, this weekend we were lucky enough to have my Mama fly Mackenzie and I down to visit her in Salt Lake City. We were joined by my brothaman Nick and his lovely lady Courtney, as well as my mom's fabulous friend, Bill. And his 130 pound dog, Jordie.
It was a great trip. Salt Lake is a beautiful city and my mom seems very happy there. We went down on Friday and I think I probably gained a good 10 pounds with all the great food we ate. We also did a little shopping and a lot of laughing.
The best laugh was probably over dinner on our last night there. We went to a brazillian restaurant that served you by bringing around swords of meat and pineapple. It was quite the festive environment. Then halfway through, the entertainment really began. Someone in the restaurant was having a birthday and the staff gathered together to bang on drums and sing them a tune. Mackenzie asked if we could go along - and being who we are, we shrugged and said okay. Mackenzie, Nick and I then danced around the staff and sang along with them. We got an unreal round of applause when it was over. So of course we had to join in on the next birthday too! By the end of the night, we were known as the "in house entertainment".
And then it was time to come home. The trip flew by so fast - I was wishing we had a week. But at least I got to see my family and where my mom is living. It always makes me feel a little more comfortable and connected once I have a visual of my mom's world and seeing that everything is okay.
As if it'd be any other way.
So thank you, Mama. It was so good!

Here's Nick and I at dinner - acting "hard" after our singing and dancing. I wish I would have taken more pictures, but I didn't take the camera! Why???
1 comment:
Glad you had such a nice time
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