Friday, September 12, 2008

tuffli women

Tonight I was looking through the pictures on our computer, getting ready to post about something entirely different. And I stumbled upon a picture of us girls in Linda's kitchen, getting ready for Billie's wedding by making bouquets. I looked at this for a couple of minutes, thinking about how I constantly am wishing for those people to be here with me in my everyday life. I thought of the countless times we've been in this same scene - just different circumstance. Chatting, gossiping, or just plain being goofy.

It made me realize that I need to take a minute to say how happy I am to be a Tuffli woman. Every single one of them holds such a special place in my heart. They have taught me how to be passionate, driven, funny and to make myself heard (through my actions, and yes, through sometimes standing on a chair and shouting).

I miss all of you more than you can know. So here's a shout out to my Gramma Betty, my Mama, my Auntie Linda, my Auntie Lainie, my Auntie Dini, Kayla, Kelsey and last, but by no possible way least - Dani and Billie.

I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So brought back memories and tears to my eyes-so sadness-I wish illie would look this up-i'm so getting her hooked. Haven't been onn for awhile but this made me wish so the same and I can't even see through the tears to type!! I love you so and you are so the best! The three muska-teers, the three stooges, the Bon Jovi days to Whitney Houstin-I Love You so much!