Wednesday, January 7, 2009

there is no crying in baseball

I realize that I'm a sensitive kind of girl. I cry at the drop of a hat and about pretty much anything. I cry if I'm stuck in traffic too long. I cry if I get in an argument with one of my kids. Heck, I even cried when I watched My Big Fat Fiance. But as a rule - A RULE - I do not cry at work. It's like baseball. There is no crying in baseball.

But today I accidentally did cry at work. Just a little bit. Well, maybe just a little bit more than that. And I felt like a total goob.


Brianna said...

I cry to easily too. I hate it. Hard to hide how I feel when the tears start coming! Can't wait until Friday!

Anonymous said...

Dude, what happened? Want me to come over tonight with wine?

Lisa Hahn said...

Oh yeah I do. I'm actually home today with a bit of a migraine. Stress...

Mike said...

I say tell the coach to suck it. But that's just me.

Eileen said...

Call if you need to talk or you just want to cry with someone. I too cry easily.