Monday, March 9, 2009

dear blog,

Once again I find myself neglecting you. I know this is becoming a pattern. So I have to ask myself - am I ready for a blog? Do I have enough hours in the day to work a job, run a family AND keep up a current blog? Do I have the wits and smarts to keep filling you with 4+ letter words that people actually want to read?

And the answer is no.

No, I don't deserve you. Nor can I ever do you justice with my excrutiatingly small vocabulary. And quite frankly I don't have time for you in my life.

But I'm not done. No I'm not giving up on you yet! I'm coming back tomorrow night and filling you with kind words and fond memories from weeks past. Tomorrow night...

But tonight, I will:

-continue to read through the tons of emails about tasks that need to be executed in the near future
-drink a glass of wine
-quietly plan my next escape to Montana to visit my family
-snuggle with the puppies
-watch Dancing with the Stars (don't ask)
-daydream about going to the ocean - or anywhere - with my husband
- go over my blanket blueprint so I can finish that tomorrow as well
- figure out how to become independently wealthy so I can spend my days playing outside
- eat yet another cookie

So you see, once I have all of these things done I will again be able to focus on you.

Now won't that be nice?

1 comment:

Mike said...

Hehe. You're talking to your blog. Hehe.