Sunday, March 8, 2009


A little known fact about me is that I am out of shape. Yes, I am very active. But I have zero endurance at all. And for this reason, I can't run. Correction: I can, it's just that I hate to run. I get all sweaty and out of breath. My butt looks big in spandex and I generally feel like an idiot with my big red melon. Oh, and it makes me itch - everywhere. So I typically avoid it at all costs.

But I've been reevaluating running lately. I mean, I want to be in shape. And I love the convenience of it - you can do it anywhere, you only need a pair of shoes, and it takes less time to get a good workout in than cycling or swimming or snowboarding.

So I'm running now. And to be sure that I stick with it, I have committed myself to do the Rock and Roll half-marathon in the end of June. 13.1 miles. Can I do it? Easily - probably not. Will I? Hell yes. Even if I have to crawl over that finish line, I will cross it.

And then I'll enjoy a nice cold margarita on the rocks. A little kosher salt around the rim with a big pink umbrella in it. Because dang it - I will have earned it!

To learn more about the Seattle Rock 'n Roll marathon, go here:

To read about Mikey and his journey to do the full marathon, go here:


Eileen said...

Wonderful! Good luck. I also hate to run

Mike said...

So proud of you for getting out there and pounding the pavement with me. Everything's more fun when we do it together. Hehe... I said "do it".

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had a blog until NOW - unless you sent me a msg about it while I was drunk. Very possible.


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you and wish that I had a awesome running buddy like you! Then I would run all the time!I do love to run and Will hates it, more I think he doesn't want people to see him, so now and then, Yes more than I, he does the treadmill! So I think that it is so great that you and your loving hubby can "do it" together! Now question?? When do you, of all people, find the time to run??
Love you-Rae