Sunday, August 3, 2008


Yes, you heard me right. Today we took Polly to Woofstock '08. There's not much more to be said about it than it was a great way to spend a summer day. We sniffed some butts (I mean, she did) and got to lay around in a beautiful grassy park. The hippie dogs were hanging out in a drum circle and toking it up on their pipes, but Polly opted to stay away from that crowd like a good girl. hehe

Here's a video of her classic move when you hold her above any kind of water. Please ignore my crazy woman laughter. I really should work on that...


Anonymous said...

does mike have a combover?

Anonymous said...

No!! It was hot out!!

Anonymous said...

No, I have a combover.

Anonymous said...

Love that rat dog!

Anonymous said...

The guy in the background is slightly distracting. Is he eating a hot dog without the bun?