Thursday, October 2, 2008


Wow. I cannot believe that it is actually October! Where has the year gone? I feel like it was just a minute ago that we were excited about the days getting longer and the sun coming out. We were trying to fit five events into each day and bbqing every meal we ate... in hopes of not losing a single moment of the beauty that is summer. But now the sun is setting sooner and we're gearing up for the holiday season.

And after do do doing so much all summer long, fall can be so refreshing. It starts out with still giving us enough nice days to not shock our systems and force us indoors altogether. But gradually we'll start to spend more hours snuggling and eating comfort food while playing board games with our kids and having movie nights with hot totties.

It will bring soccer games and parties. School dances and sleepovers. The air will get crisp and the leaves will change. Then the rain will come. The shoes by the door will be dirty, with their existence written all over our hardwood floors. We'll decorate the house and bake smelly things. And then it will bring turkey and snowboarding and moments back home.

And before we know it, it will be full on winter. And then spring. And then summer... and then wow. How time flies. I know I will be doing everything I can to embrace all of these amazing moments in this lovely life of mine.


Eileen said...

I do love the changing seasons. Looking forward to enjoying more time with all of you

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for Turkey Day!!!
I love you baby girl. This blog sounds so inspiring to tell you that you should write a book, or just publish something--you are so great with words, life....yes your life is so fun to read all about and make me feel that I am there with you.XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO.....
Love Rae