Thursday, November 20, 2008

flex and point

Tonight was our last pilates class. On my drive home from work I was drained. And although I didn't want to give up our hour and a half long date, all I could think of was having a beer and a greasy burger. Now some of you might be wondering why that's such a big deal. Well, because it's rare that I think to myself "I need a burger and a beer - stat". So by the time I hit home, I had come to terms with the fact that instead of indulging in fat and foam, I would be flexing and pointing. And dammit, I would have fun doing so!

Running into the room to get cleaned up and ready to go, I find Mikey laying on the bed - looking the same way I had in the car just moments before. "I don't wanna go to pilates" he said. "I want a beer. And I wanna go out to eat."

Well, that's all I needed to hear. The only question left was whether we would wear our workout gear to do so...

Thank you, Mikey, for always being right there with me - in everything we do. *smooch*

1 comment:

Mike said...

Next up, Yoga for the Uncoordinated and Inflexible! Or maybe we should just have a beer and a burger and talk about our options. -mikey