Saturday, December 13, 2008

merry christmas - part 1

Today we drove down to Bonney Lake to celebrate the first leg of our Christmas holiday. We were all very excited to see John and Eileen, along with Josh, Becky, Ashley, Debbie and Dan. It felt like it'd been forever since we'd all gotten together.

We got down there about 1ish and had a great time - eating, drinking and being merry. We played with Ashley and wiied with the men. Eileen made an amazing dinner and we got to open presents with Josh before he ships out for a couple of months. It even snowed! The only thing missing was having the rest of the Poplawski clan and our little Joshy there. Like I said, it's amazing how hard it can be to get us all in the same room.

But when it does happen, it's so good! Thank you John and Eileen for a very merry Christmas celebration! We love you!