Sunday, August 16, 2009

slip slidin' away

I have a question for ya. And you should take a minute to think about this. Because although it seems like the easiest question in the world - it shouldn't be that simple.

How old are you?

My natural answer to this in actual years is 31.
31!! In dog years that's 217! I can't believe it myself. But yes, 31 years ago I was borned into a world of shag carpeting, soft rock and feathered hair.

Now ask me again...

This time the answer is 7. I pick seven because this is an age where I know my name and address. I know how to hold it until I get to the bathroom. But I still know how to have fun without caring what others might think. And yes, occasionally that 31 year old pops in there and likes to argue with the 7 year old girl (31 year olds are not too old to argue) about how maybe she should comb her hair before going out to play. Or that she has to do the dishes at some point between the fun stuff and that she should probably pay bills before buying candy. And yes, those points definitely trump anything the 7 year old could say. But when the chores are done, the bills are paid, and the kids are taken care of... I like to play. Outside. And laugh. And be a nerd. And dammit, I like to slip and slide. It doesn't matter if I'm fully dressed and it certainly doesn't matter if it's not my slide. The thing is on the ground and full of water. I own it.


Mike said...

Formula for awesome:

1) Take one half-rack of PBR and place into backpack

2) Walk around new neighborhood on a beautiful summer night

3) Hit some poor little kids Spiderman slip-n-slide like a bat out of hell on the way home.


Anonymous said...

All I had to say before I entered the "room" of comments was "YOU GO GIRL", but then.....oh yes then waiting for the signal that I could type anonymously, I wondered if there was alcohol involved!!! hahaha thats my girl!! And thatk you Mike for varifying that thought :) You Rock On with your bad self, even in a dress!! :) Love Rae