Tuesday, December 30, 2008

furry christmas

Oh what an amazing and fun filled Christmas we just had. I feel like such a lucky girl! To have my family decide that of all the places they could be, they'd like to be here with us in Seattle - well that in itself was the greatest gift!

My brother showed up on Tuesday, then my Mom and Bill came on Wednesday and then Courtney on Thursday. It was like a 4 day long slumber party. We sat around and laughed in our pajamas, ate waaay too much good food and slept hard at the end of each night. Once we woke up, we'd do it all again, cramming as many good things into as many usable hours as possible.

Just one major thing was missing - well, more like three. Our precious little babies. Splitting these holidays between households can be so hard. But luckily, Josh did get to be home with us for half of Christmas and through to the next morning.

So thank you, Mama and Bill and Nick-o and Courtney, for coming to spend this holiday with us and all of the spoiling that ensued. And thank you, John and Eileen, for having our big old clan crash your party so we could spend some much needed time with you guys too!
And thank you to my ever patient husband, for giving me smooches all along the way.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

our new favorite candy dish

Thank you Crystal and Dave, for the perfect new addition to our holiday home! We're loving it!

snow day(s)

This week in Seattle, we not only had a snow day, but several - causing all of Seattle to come to a screatching halt. I don't care what anyone says - I loves me a snow day!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

franks kate!

I wanna take a quick minute to say


for taking such great care of our poopies while we went to Idaho. You are a star!

And I'm sorry they shat on your floor!

And I still owe you!

Big time!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

snow bunny christmas

Before beginning this post - I have to tell you that I'm playing around with a new font color for the new year. Each post before 2009 will be written in another hue. Please leave me some feedback and maybe your preference will be the new thing. Or maybe I'll just keep it the same. You never know! Now onto business... in orange.

This weekend was rad! I know rad isn't a word you hear every day, but it certainly puts across a point. And the point is that I felt like I was about 10 years old this weekend!! Why was it so great? Well because we got to have Christmas celebration numero dos.

Celebration number two came in the form of skiing, snowboarding, waterparking and just playing around with my Dad, Kay, Nick, Courtney, Sarah, Cory and our kiddos. We spent the weekend in Kellogg, Idaho at this perfect little resort at the base of Silver Mountain. This place was great! Not only could you walk out your door and onto the gondola but there was a water park on site, along with numerous fire pits and hot tubs surrounded by 20 inches of new snow all over the grounds. But the thing that really made it perfect, was that we were there with so many loved ones.

I mean, I know it might not sound like the hippest thing to say, but the people in my family are the coolest folks I know. So to get to spend a weekend just chillin' with them, is something that I wish for daily. Even if it was a whirlwind, it was amazing. So thank you Dad and Kay, for bringing us all together for a perfect celebration.

Love you!

Oh, and I don't think orange is going to be a keeper.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

i am a nerd

As if you need an example, but here you go! I thought Mackenzie was taking my picture... Ooops.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

merry christmas - part 1

Today we drove down to Bonney Lake to celebrate the first leg of our Christmas holiday. We were all very excited to see John and Eileen, along with Josh, Becky, Ashley, Debbie and Dan. It felt like it'd been forever since we'd all gotten together.

We got down there about 1ish and had a great time - eating, drinking and being merry. We played with Ashley and wiied with the men. Eileen made an amazing dinner and we got to open presents with Josh before he ships out for a couple of months. It even snowed! The only thing missing was having the rest of the Poplawski clan and our little Joshy there. Like I said, it's amazing how hard it can be to get us all in the same room.

But when it does happen, it's so good! Thank you John and Eileen for a very merry Christmas celebration! We love you!

Monday, December 8, 2008

spirit week

Today Payton was very excited for the first day of spirit week. Today's theme was pajama day. She was so cute! She planned all weekend about what exactly she would wear each day to school. She got up early and took too long getting ready. She wore her bright pink footy pajamas and a fluffy eye pillow for a head band. She even packed a pair of pajamas for her best friend to wear (since she didn't really have anything at her house).

Due to the extensive primping, we ended up being about 10 minutes late for school. Yikes!! But her teacher is very laid back and I knew it'd be okay. As she walked into the school, waving to Mackenzie and I, Macky turned to me and said - what if it's not really pajama day? Oh, it's pajama day, I assured her. And if it's not, Payton will call me and I'll bring her real clothes.

Well that night, when I got home from work, I came in to ask about her day and help to plan for the upcoming twin day. In a very nonchalant way she says - oh mom, you don't have to worry about twin day. Spirit week is actually next week.


Come to find out, my sweet little girl not only showed up fully dressed for pajama day on the wrong week - but she also showed up late, finding out her class was in the auditorium for some sort of assembly. Meaning she had to walk into the auditorium, all gussied up in her bright pink kitty cat pajamas to find out she was the only one!! I think the one thing that saved her was her best friend - who agreed that she too would wear the pajamas Payton had brought for her.

Oh the horror!! But aren't these the stories that end up shaping us in the end? I was amazed by how unconcerned she was. What a champ!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

charlie chaplin in the hizzy

Today Payton guest starred in my friend Kate's film that she made for school. Payton had sooo much fun and bragged all night about how "she gets to have a sleep over with Kate for being such a good helper". I just can't wait to see it!

In the meantime, the picture is too cute not to share!

deck the halls

I have been having a really hard time realizing that it is actually December. With Thanksgiving landing so late in the month, it has shot me straight into panic mode.

I haven't even decorated yet.
When am I supposed to get my shopping done?
We're celebrating next weekend where?
Then the next weekend where?
I thought we were going to have a party.
When will we see the lights?
Yes, we can go downtown and ride the carousel.
How many dozens of cookies can I bake each night?
And is anyone even going to be at our house on Christmas?
I'm going to miss our babies so much...

So this weekend it was time to get our butts in gear. It looked a little like this:

We got up early to go get a tree.
We couldn't find the lot we set out to buy from so decided to save money and time and use our fallback fake tree - convincing ourselves that we would be saving one to boot!
We went out wearing Santa hats, which we forgot about and became confused when at least a dozen people "ho'd" at us.
Mike decorated the outside of the house.
We all decorated the inside of the house.
We went to put together the fake tree and realized that at some point we gave said fake tree away - probably telling each other that with all of the benefits of a real tree, why would we ever need it again?!
We went out to and found the original desired lot to get a real tree after all.
I decorated the tree.
And let us not forget how we loaded up the kids to go to our favorite light viewing spot, only to get lost and finally find it after all the lights were off for the night!

So although this holiday season has snuck up on me and hasn't really gone as smoothly as I've hoped thus far, I'm realizing that it's only just begun. And the timeliness of getting the trees and the shopping and the light watching aren't what's important. It's about all of the love and beauty in our lives and the faith that carries us and makes it all possible. So when I step back, I can only say that I have a ton to be thankful for.

Happy holidays, ya'll!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

first crush

Our baby, Payton, is 8 years old. Well, actually she is 8 and 1/2 years old - which is HUGE when you are of that age. She has recently informed me that she has a boyfriend. A boyfriend!?! I think to myself - she's only a baby! And then I remember I was that same age the first time a boy brought me flowers or a teddy bear or even asked to take me out for a bowl of oatmeal. It's called puppy love for a reason.

So her boyfriend's name is Maleio. He's been in her class and a close friend since kindergarten. He's a cute little island boy that makes her grin from ear to ear. So I decide to talk to her about it and when I do, the conversation is quite reminiscent of one I had around that same age.

Mom: So Maleio's your boyfriend. What's that mean?
Payton (smiling): Mooooom, it means we're going out.
Mom: Really? Where are you guys planning on going?
Payton (still smiling): Mooooooooooooom, you don't GO anywhere. It just means you're friends.
Mom: But you have lots of friends. And you were already friends. What's the difference?
Payton (huffing): You just don't understand.

Okay, so I do understand. But you wouldn't be a kid unless that conversation happened at some point in your life. I remember it happening after finding Mackenzie slow dancing with her friend Terry to a Disney Movie in first grade. You could replay it almost identically except with Mackenzie she was blushing instead of smiling. Funny the difference. But that's a whole other story.

So, Payton and I are driving home from school/work on Wednesday night when I'm asking her about her day. She says it was awesome. For a number of reasons that it's awesome most days. She's a kid with a good outlook so this isn't uncommon at all. After listing off her reasons, she starts telling me "such a funny story" about how all of her friends are taking a bet on whether her best friend, Olivia, could beat her boyfriend, Maleio in a wrestling match. So I ask her why them? And she responds that they are both SO tough that naturally they would be the ones to battle. Then the convincing begins...

Payton: Mom (emphasis on the Mom), Maleio is so tough that he can fall down and not even cry. Maleio is so tough that he is this this and that. And it continues on. Until I get this one. Maleio is so tough that he once arm wrestled me, Olivia and Collin all at the same time. And won!

"Wow," I say, "that's really impressive."

And that's when her voice drops quite low and she tells me: Mom, Maleio is SO tough that I think he might even be able to beat Mike in an arm wrestling match.

Oh - my - word. Our baby girl has just met that boy who is so amazing the only person she can think to compare him to is her Daddy. I think we're in trouble.

Monday, December 1, 2008

montana montana

glory of the west
of all the states from coast to coast
you're easily the best
montana montana
where skies are always blue
montana, I love you!

We just had a beautiful trip home for the holidays. Four days packed full of non-stop fun.

Thanksgiving X 3.
Black Friday shopping starting at an unnatural time of day.
Family dinner party.
A rockin' 60th birthday scene.
and a partridge in a pear tree.

It was perfect(ly hectic) - but amazing nontheless. Here are some photos. I wish I had a few more. The camera disappeared at some key moments. (specifically - can the Tuffli's please send me copies of our fabulous photo shoot?!?)

Thanks for everything! Love to you all!