Saturday, January 31, 2009

the world's biggest burger

...or more like - our world's biggest burger!

Today we took Payton, Josh and his girlfriend Morgan for a hike up at Tiger Mountain. It was a beautiful day to play outside and be a bunch of goofballs. There was a lot of playing in the trees, running down trails and just plain old having fun.

So much fun that we decided we had earned a little trip to one of our favorite burger spots, XXX Rootbeer! Where we actually dared Mike to get the XXX burger - and to our surprise he did.

And then he ate it.

All of it.

It was magnificent.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

i promise i'll be back

I swear it's not you. It's me.
I will be back and I will rock the socks off this blog again.
In the meantime, I'm playing outside!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

a little slice of heaven

On Saturday, we were so lucky to get to go spend the night with Sara at her new house in Indianola. It's something we've been meaning to do for a while, but finding the time to do much outside of our routine can sometimes be tricky. So we were uber happy that the time had finally come!

Thank you so much, Sara. You light up our life!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

i just didn't think it would hurt this much

WARNING: This is a strictly therapeutic posting - and one that should be ignored.

I am a lucky girl. If you haven't yet gathered from my blog, I have a lovely life. I LOVE my life.

But right now I am just so sad. Though I'm trying not to be. I just can't seem to help it. I smile, the tears come. I try to breathe, the tears come. Heck, I roll over in bed and the tears come. And it's not like I'm bawling. No, nothing as uncontrollable as that. It's just an endless stream of tears, that is felt with a very real pain in my chest. It almost takes my breath away.

Why? Well that's for me to know and truly not important. I mean, I still have all of the beauty that makes this lovely life. Nobody's hurt and nothing is really broken. But I guess it could be summed up by saying that like any person out there, I have some wishes, dreams and hopes that are all wrapped up in a nice little silken satchel that are labeled "fat chance" and stuffed under my mattress. Making it really easy to not even think about. But one of those little fuckers snuck out of that silky bag and pirhouetted around the room in front of me. Doing these dreamy leaps through the air and twirling all up in my face. And I did a really good job of ignoring it. And then for a minute I let myself think that this thing would happen. And as soon as I did that, it left as quickly as it came. And the chance is gone. And I have a hard time believing that there will ever be another moment like that one again.

And it just makes me sad. So sad.

But now I need to snap out of this. And figure out how to get back to the excitement that was there before it showed up. It's just that I was so ready...

Monday, January 12, 2009

thank goodness for my mommy

Today is a day that is so so so special to me because it's my mama's birthday. It's a time that I wish I could give her the world - just like she's always given me. It's a day that I wish I knew some way to show her how much I, and everyone in her life, appreciates and loves her. But unfortunately, all I have to offer is haiku:

german chocolate cake
is what i would always ma
for my mom this day

Happy Birthday, Mommy.
I love you so much.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

it's just that my butt hurts

Today Mikey and I decided we were going to teach ourselves how to cross country ski. Okay, not true. Yesterday Mikey and I decided it. I mean, as a wee little tot of a man he definitely had his day out there in the sun. But it had been years since he'd tried and it was something we really wanted to do together. Well, as a family - but every single child of ours had ideas of how they preferred to spend this Sunday. So, that left just us - which was more than fine.

So we rented our super cheap gear and set out for Icicle early this morning. It was a beautiful sunny drive through the North Cascades that showed us both devastation from all of the recent flooding, as well as amazing winter views. A few stops to pee and before we knew it, we were there.

The trail was packed. People were amped up and ready to do some skiing. And strangely enough, they were all wearing not much more than workout gear. So we decided they were all a bunch of crazies and bundled up into our normal downhill, super warm suits. But not ten minutes in did we realize exactly why it was they were all basically naked. This was a workout! We were sweating. We were panting. Heck, I was trying to rationalize leaving my gear for dead. But we stuck with it and made our way back to the car to strip.

And then we were flying! Well, kind of...

Now I don't know if any of you have ever gone cross country skiing before. I guess I always thought it was for those too afraid to hit the REAL slopes. For those people who didn't want the adrenaline from flying down a hill and had very little coordination. Boooy was I wrong. It is hard! Did I mention you have to ski UP a hill at some points?

After a few hours we decided to call it a day. Our butts hurt. Our shoulders hurt. We couldn't even feel our legs. So we plopped into the car and headed to Leavenworth for a bite to eat before getting back on the road.

What a day, I have to say. Not only did I learn something new that I'll hopefully keep up into my old age. But I also got to spend a rare sunny winter day with my hunka hunka burnin' love. Who could ask for anything more?

double digits, duuuuuude!

It's the big number TEN for the Kobster today.


Auntie Loo loves you, buddy!
I hope you had a happy happy day!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

the best friday nights

This posting originally was step by step about what we did as a family last night. It talked about cooking together and who had what jobs. It talked about the fact that we danced through the kitchen while laughing and doing our specific jobs. And it talked about us all falling asleep together in the living room with our full bellies and bits of burger stuck to our faces. It talked about all of the fun we had last night.

But I don't think it got across the point of what I really loved about last night. With everyone growing up and the kids all having their own agendas any more. It feels like a rare occasion that all five of us end up under one roof on the weekend. At least where everyone is happy and having fun together. Yes, there are many times that we are all together but the kids have escaped to their own rooms. Or they are fighting with each other. Or fighting with us. Or one is with friends. Or has a bunch of friends over. So to actually take this time together - laughing, dancing and falling asleep on top of each other - was exactly what I've been needing. I absolutely adore our kids. I absolutely adore our family. And I just love it when we actually get to spend these Friday nights together.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

there is no crying in baseball

I realize that I'm a sensitive kind of girl. I cry at the drop of a hat and about pretty much anything. I cry if I'm stuck in traffic too long. I cry if I get in an argument with one of my kids. Heck, I even cried when I watched My Big Fat Fiance. But as a rule - A RULE - I do not cry at work. It's like baseball. There is no crying in baseball.

But today I accidentally did cry at work. Just a little bit. Well, maybe just a little bit more than that. And I felt like a total goob.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

hippo birdy to ewe

This one goes out to my little baby brothaman. Today is his birthday. He is 23 years old - yet it feels like just yesterday that I was bartering with my parents for a new boom box as a consolation prize to no longer being an only child. Not realizing that one of my best friends was being brought into the world at that very moment. No boom box could come close to comparing.

So happy birthday, Nick!

We love you!


Monday, January 5, 2009

you can't handle the truth

Typically I probably wouldn't post something like this on my blog, but because I LOVE a survey and my husband not only did it but also challenged me to do the same, I can't just let it go. Plus, it is my blog and the rules are made as I go. Whether you actually read it is another story...

Now onto this thing about "mememe". Apparently what you have to do is simply tell the truth. Ten times. About anything. Hmmm... what exactly is it that you all want to know? I mean, I'm a pretty open book and tend to talk quite a bit as it is. So I can't imagine there are many secrets here. But I'll try to find a couple little bits (in no particular order) for your reading pleasure.

1 - Heights - There was this one time when I was little that I peed my pants on the ferris wheel. Since that time I've had a pretty good fear of heights. I don't really think it's the actual elevation that bothers me, but more the horror of having to walk past another group of people with pee in my corduroy pants.

2 - Five Dollars - There's something about purchasing things that are 5 dollars and under that make me justify it as not really counting. Like the shirt I'm wearing right now. It was 5 dollars. Didn't count. Or that coffee that I bought that was 3 dollars. Didn't count. Let's not forget about the ball of cookie dough I suddenly needed while walking down the street. A buck fifty. Didn't count. But I assure you that all of those things did indeed count.

3 - Cheese - It's a passion for me. I have a love for cheese that is definitely considered unhealthy. I've been known to spend much more than five dollars on a hunk (mmm... the kind with cranberries in it) and eat it all in one sitting.

4 - Teen Parenting - I was a teen mom. Anyone who really knows me, knows that I was barely 16 years old when I became a mother. I don't tell all of my clients this fact. I only let them guess at my age, making them quite crazy. And it's not that I'm embarrassed. It's more that I don't really want to hear their opinion on the topic. Everyone has one. Heck, even I do. I see a young mom now and think "ohmygoodness" and then I remember that was me and feel a little ashamed to pass such a judgement. So really, what it comes down to is that I'm quite proud of what little things I've managed to accomplish, that I don't want to hear about how I'm some sort of a statistic, or spend a bunch of time answering the same questions. Yes, it was hard. Yes, I have made mistakes. No, I wouldn't change it for the world.

5 - Bananas - I don't like them. Strangely, I can't remember ever eating one.

6 - OCD - The hypochondriac in me has done a self diagnosis to determine that I suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder. I even tried convincing my doctor. She didn't believe me. But really - I check my outlets at least a dozen times before I leave the house. All of them. Even the ones that haven't been used. I uncover all of the vents. I twitch my nose. I sniffle. I wash my hands and then I go ahead and wash them again. If I'm not OCD then I'm definitely another kind of crazy.

7 - Mustache - I have one. Sometimes if I let it grow out, I can twist the ends in my fingers while I'm deep in thought. 'Nuff said.

8 - Seattle - Quite possibly one of the coolest places to be and most definitely the most beautiful place you could possibly live. Always something to do and a million new exciting trends right at your fingertips. But it is sucking my soul away from me a little bit more each day. *breathe*

9 - Crush - I have a HUGE crush on my husband. I fall in love with him more every single day. I truly think he hung the moon.

10 - Sleeve - I wish I had a half tattoo sleeve. Yes - I wish it was colorful and fabulous and everything I wore complemented it. Unfortunately, I have neither the time or money to put into such a venture. (You're all probably thinking that's pretty fortunate!)

and one for the road - Celine Dion - she sings one of my favorite songs - something that Mighty and I once coined the rummy song. Something I could only admit to a true friend.

So there you have it folks! I'm not going to name anyone who needs to follow suit as I don't know that anyone really reads this. So if you want to play the game - please do and let me know your truths!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

this time I'm doing it a little differently

So here I sit - alone in a hotel room in Spokane. Waiting to pick up my little baby girls from their holiday visit to Montana. If anyone knows me, they know I trek to Spokane quite regularly to do these switches with their other family. And once I get to Spokane, I turn straight back around and head to Seattle. This trip is not an easy one by any means. Typically it's 11 hours on the road - sometimes longer. And I probably do this at least a dozen times each year. Well this year, we are having a crazy winter in the Pacific Northwest. So the fact that I'm driving alone already scares me - no matter what length of time it is. So I made a game time decision to drive to Spokane, stay the night and then head back tomorrow. I have to say I'm just thrilled I opted to do so. It took me about two hours longer to do the drive to begin with. So tomorrow I'm hoping the girls will arrive right about the time I check out of my hotel. Then I'll be bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready to make the trek back home - in mostly daylight hours. And I have to say, as bored as I am at this very minute, I think it was a good decision. And I think it'll be more the norm in the upcoming year.

So in tribute to my alter ego - a lady trucker...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

happy new year

I don't know about you, but when I think about how I'd like to ring in a new year - it's always with my loved ones in mind. Not competing with a bunch of twenty-somethings for a table in a bar. You can do that any day. I think of eating good food, having a toast, and smooching my husband. I think of it as a time to reflect on the past year and to be optimistic for the one to come. And that's why every year we opt to lay low.

So our new year's eve looked a little something like this:

Mikey made his grampa's famous stew. A recipe that he got from his mom and put much love into making. I gotta tell you it was so delicious.
We watched a movie called Chaos Theory - upon recommendation from my brother. Again - loved it and highly recommend it.
Made out. As much as I love doing this, I can't recommend this since it is mine and mine alone!
Talked about life, love and dreamt aloud.
And then banged on pots and pans outside as the new year rang in.
We then packed up to pick up our little man from his celebration and came home to fall fast asleep in each other's arms.

Waking up we had every intention to go with Josh and his girlfriend up to Snoqualmie to do some totally extreme tubing. Unfortunately, the pass was closed for avalanche control and we had to move on to plan B. And plan B needed to be some sort of outdoors activity. With the snow and the holidays, we were both going a little stir crazy. So after taking Joshy back to his other house we drove over to Lincoln Park in West Seattle to have a nice stroll on the beach. The weather was perfect for us to be able to just grab hands and roam for a couple of hours. After which, we earned a nice little snack at the Elliott Bay Brewing Co.

So happy new year, all! I can't think of a better way to celebrate and a better time to reflect on all of the beauty in my life. I am married to the man of my dreams. We share three of the most beautiful children on the planet and are surrounded by the most loving parents anyone could ask for. We have so many amazing people in both of our families who surprise and delight us regularly. Not to mention the friends who we can both laugh with and lean on each day. My only resolution is to take advantage of the beauty each of these people hold even more in 2009. Because man, we are blessed.


ps - I'll be including a song in every post this year - even if it looks tacky - I think it's worth it. Enjoy.